Friday, August 29, 2008

coconino county fair

This weekend is the Coconino County Fair. I really wanted to check it out, I have fond memories of the State Fair and the Maricopa County Fair. I love the scary rides, although I haven't ridden one probably since high school. And how can anyone resist fair food- anything deep fried and on a stick?!
Yesterday I had to pick up Reed early from school because his head hurt and he had a temperature. All afternoon he complained that his head hurt (but not bad enough to lay down and get some rest). This morning he woke up claiming his head hurt again. I told him to eat some breakfast to see if this helped. It didn't help too much for him. I sent him to lay on his bed and told him when he felt better that I would take him to school. After checking on him a few times, I could see that he had no intentions of going to school. I pulled out my bag o' tricks. I told him that it was too bad that he wasn't feeling well, because I wanted to take him and his brothers to the county fair after school(not that it mattered if he went to school-we were going to the fair whether he went or not, I just wanted to see if he really did feel sick). Before I could turn to leave the room, his head miraculously felt better. After taking him to school a little late, I felt bad wondering if he really was sick and if I was going to have to come back and pick him up once the Motrin he took at breakfast wore off. Lucky for me, this wasn't the case. He gets home early on Fridays and as soon as he was off the bus, we were off to pick up our friends for a great afternoon at the fair.

(left to right) Tate, Blue, Livia, Reed, Beau(he had about as much fun as one two year old could handle within the first hour)

Reed chose a frozen lemonade over ice cream. When all we found was nonfat frozen yogurt, I'm glad he had lemonade so he could share with me.

Blue didn't seem to notice a difference between ice cream and nonfat frozen yogurt.

Beau would have fed the ducks and chickens the entire time if I would have let him. Even when he was all out of food he just stuck his hand in the cage. I thought for sure a rooster was gonna peck his hand right off.

I was a little nervous about letting the boys ride a not-so-kiddie ride. I had visions of the operator having to stop the ride to let my boys off because they were scared. Apparently, I worry too much.


Chea said...

so jealous. good weather and the fair. bonus awesome pics

As Told By Molly said...

How ideal. I miss that small town stuff. Good taste, Reed. I'd go with frozen lemonade anyday.

Your pictures are always so clear and vibrant. I need a new camera. Clue me in to what one could get me pictures like yours...