Friday, October 10, 2008

b is for beau

Poor Beau! He definitely gets the shaft being the youngest. Our morning routine consists of dropping Reed off to school and then dropping Blue off to school. After they are both gone, Beau just whines to pick them back up. Once, while dropping off Blue, Beau ran into the preschool room and was playing with all the toys. I started walking to my car, not even realizing that I didn't have Beau with me until the teacher asked if I was missing something. For a second I had no idea what she was talking about. Then it dawned on me that Beau was still inside. Much to his dismay, I had to wrestle him out of the preschool room. He kept calling for Blue to help him out- as if preschool was where he belonged and I was in the wrong for trying to take him home. Beau loves his older brothers and wants to do anything they do. He chases after them on their bikes since he can't figure out the pedals yet. He gets just as excites about Star Wars as the other two do. Beau calls it "saw waas". I'm glad that Reed and Blue are nice to him and let him play with them-sometimes:)


Linde said...

Poor little dude! I love the pictures! He looks so big! What a cute little guy:)

As Told By Molly said...

Same stuff goes on at our house. Good thing for great big brothers!