Thursday, February 28, 2008

the geek squad

I think the first time I used a computer was in jr. high. But now computer lab is offered in kindergarten. But even before they get to kindergarten, kids know how to play on the computer...especially my boys (It is just as good as putting a movie on while I get laundry or the dishes done). I can't tell you how many times I've found Blue, way past his bedtime, on the disney channel website listening to High School Musiscal. Yes, he can get on the internet by himself and knows where to go for his "favorites". Beau got his own computer for Christmas because he is forever wanting to play with the mouse on the real computer. Now, while Reed is at school in computer lab, Blue and Beau sit side by side clicking away on their mice.

1 comment:

ld said...

Nerds in the making…I like it!