Sunday, July 29, 2007


So Colby and I were in the car the other day and he hands me his blackberry. He had an email open from one of the girls who works in his office. At the end of the email there was ":)". Colby asked me what this little symbol meant. I told him it was technology's way of smiling. 'Oh' was all Colby said. He didn't seem amused. A little later he showed me another email wanting to know what the little symbol meant ";)". Again, I told him it was winking. Again, not amused. He told me that he gets these "things" in his emails all the time and never knew what they were. Obviously, he wasn't concerned that they were too important because he has been working this way now for two years. Yes, it's true, Colby is all business and no fluff. And he wonders why people think he is scowling all the time :)


ld said...

And have you taught him: =:-O ?

wendy said...

that does seem a little more manly than any of the others I've seen

Rose said...

I think I would have been the same. What is this? But then I'm not in the habit of recieving or sending texts. I'm lucky I can get my comments to post

ld said...

When you get done teaching him the symbols, you can start on the abbreviations - LOL, IMHO, ROTFL, POS.

wendy said...

what are the meaning of those anyway... I'm pretty sure LOL is lots of laughs or lots of love? that is the only one I know.

ld said...

LOL=laughing out loud.
IMHO=In my humble opinion.
ROTFL=Rolling on the floor laughing.
POS=Parent over shoulder (looking on).