Monday, October 22, 2007

camo in a concrete jungle

Chea and Wayne and girls came up a couple of weeks ago to visit. My boys love it when Chea's girls come to visit. Here is an example: The morning our visitors were to arrive Colby and Reed went bear hunting. Not more than two hours after leaving the house, the boys were back and I asked why they were home so early. Reed did not want to miss Taryn when she got to our house.
Not only do I like to take advantage of the babysitting from my nieces, I also like to take advantage of Chea's skills whenever she is with just a few minutes notice we decided to do a family photo shoot. What we would possibly wear to give a cohesive look but was already in our closets? Camouflage, of course. I called Colby at work and told him to meet us downtown for a family picture. His response- Didn't we just do a family picture? Boy, was he excited. Thankfully he showed up anyway. Chea worked her magic and got some great shots. Thanks Chea!


Anonymous said...

Why can't men love pictures as much as women? It is SO much fun....I just love it...putting outfits together...matching....the ONLY time it is adorable and not ridiculous....and the memories! We get ours done this weekend...can't wait...hope they turn out....Chea is awesome!

Courtney said...

The pictures turned out so cute! I love the back ground! Your hair is getting so long. You look so cute. You need to post more pictures of yourself! It has been to long since I have seen you last! You look great!!